Tutor Competency Framework
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TCF - Tutor Competency Framework - v2
UKATA was created by those in the industry who had the vision and belief that it is possible to improve and maintain higher standards for asbestos training through an Association.
UKATA is governed by a Board of Directors, all of whom are members of the Association. The Directors work tirelessly towards the common goal of continually looking at ways to raise standards of asbestos training whilst supporting the current membership in maintaining the standards already set by UKATA.
Throughout the past ten years, UKATA has established a robust process of verifying the competency of Tutors. Members are the foundation of UKATA, with Tutors being the cornerstone.

1 Course Content
Presentation materials, exam papers, course handouts and the Tutor narrative are assessed against our core syllabi by a Verifier.
Syllabi - UKATA is a member of The CPD Certification Service and all UKATA syllabi have been accredited by The CPD Certification Service.
2 Tutor Knowledge
Tutors are subject to a Tutor Knowledge Test via the UKATA online Tutor Registration System. The Tutor Knowledge Test assesses key knowledge and presentation skills in the form of an online exam.
There is also in place a minimum criterion for Tutors:
Asbestos Awareness Tutor Criteria
- Tutors must have a minimum of at least three years’ experience (within the past five years) in the health and safety sector or at least three years’ experience (within the past five years) in the asbestos industry which may include, surveying, analytical, removal, consultancy, training, management etc;
- Be able to demonstrate experience of delivering Asbestos Awareness Training;
- Hold a suitable asbestos qualification recognised by the asbestos industry, which may include: asbestos surveying, asbestos management or asbestos removal, or other such qualifications that UKATA deems to be acceptable;
- Hold a recognised trainer qualification, i.e., Level 3 Award in Education and Training, or you must achieve this qualification within 12 months of registration with UKAT;
- A successful UKATA Audit, or an internal Audit undertaken by the Member company they are working for at the highest category of training the Tutor will deliver on behalf of the Member;
- After meeting the above criteria, the Tutor is required to pass the UKATA Asbestos Awareness Tutor Knowledge Test.
Non-Licensable Tutor Criteria
- Tutors must have a minimum of at least three years’ experience (within the past five years) in the asbestos industry. This will be taken to include, surveying, analytical, removal, consultancy, training, management etc. and must be able to demonstrate a comprehensive practical working knowledge, within the asbestos industry, including its legislative requirements;
- Be able to demonstrate experience of delivering Non-Licensable Training;
- Hold a suitable asbestos qualification recognised by the asbestos industry, which may include: asbestos surveying, asbestos management or asbestos removal, or other such qualifications that UKATA deems to be acceptable;
- Hold a recognised trainer qualification, i.e., Level 3 Award in Education and Training, or you must achieve this qualification within 12 months of registration with UKATA;
- A successful UKATA Audit, or an internal Audit undertaken by the Member company they are working for at the highest category of training the Tutor will deliver on behalf of the Member;
- After meeting the above criteria, the Tutor is required to pass the UKATA Non-Licensable Tutor Knowledge Test.
Licensable Tutor Criteria
- Tutors must have a minimum of at least three years’ experience (within the past five years) in the asbestos industry. This will be taken to include, surveying, analytical, removal, consultancy, training, management etc. and must be able to demonstrate a comprehensive practical working knowledge, within the asbestos industry, including its legislative requirements;
- A good understanding of HSE Guidance: HSG247;
- Be able to demonstrate experience of delivering Licensable Training;
- Hold a suitable asbestos qualification recognised by the asbestos industry, which may include: asbestos surveying, asbestos management or asbestos removal, or other such qualifications that UKATA deems to be acceptable;
- Hold a recognised trainer qualification, i.e., Level 3 Award in Education and Training, or you must achieve this qualification within 12 months of registration with UKATA;
- A successful UKATA Audit, or an internal Audit undertaken by the Member company they are working for at the highest category of training the Tutor will deliver on behalf of the Member;
- After meeting the above criteria, the Tutor is required to pass the UKATA Licensable Tutor Knowledge Test.
3 Tutor Presentation Skills
Audits are conducted by UKATA Auditors in order to demonstrate compliance with the training requirements outlined in UKATA Syllabi for each specific level of training, the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and any subsequent amendments and any other guidance pertaining to asbestos training issued by the enforcing authorities such as the HSE. The areas of audit shall cover the following aspects and be relevant to the courses being delivered:
- Course purpose
- Course objectives
- Duration
- Delegate ratio
- Audience
- Learning objectives
- Course syllabus
- Assessment
Presentation skills are also assessed with a key focus on:
- Interaction with delegates
- Method of information delivery
- Audio visual material
- Overall control of the session
4 Training Centre & Equipment
Training centres are audited to ensure the facilities comply with the ‘Training Centre & Equipment Minimum Standards’ particularly focusing on the key areas below:
- Physical layout
- Presentation equipment
- Health & Safety
- Welfare provision
- Reference materials
- Practical training area
(Non-licensable & Licensable only) - Equipment & required standards
(Non-licensable & Licensable only)
5 Tutor Development (CPD)
All Tutors are required to input their CPD online and must achieve a minimum of 10 CPD points each year or a minimum of 30 CPD points within three years. Each Tutor’s CPD cycle commences upon successfully passing the Tutor Knowledge Test.
6 Internal Tutor Audit
Internal Tutor Audits provide assurance that a Member’s Tutors are operating effectively and in accordance with the UKATA Syllabi, legislation and minimum standards. All Tutors will be assessed by a competent person within each Member company and reports fed back into UKATA.
7 Tutor Registration Renewal
It is a mandatory requirement that all Tutors are registered every three years. Members are required to submit an up to date CV and copies of relevant certificates for each registered Tutor. Upon successful completion, a Tutor will be re-issued with a UKATA Tutor Knowledge Test certificate which will be valid for a period of up to three years.
Document No: TCF
Issue Date: 01/10/2023
Issue No: 02
TCF - Tutor Competency Framework - v2