
Become a UKATA Training Provider

Membership is for companies, businesses and individuals wishing to undertake the delivery of asbestos training as a UKATA Approved Training Provider. Becoming a UKATA Approved Training Provider demonstrates your commitment to delivering the highest standards of asbestos training.

Membership also provides an opportunity to mark a presence in the asbestos industry showing commitment and support to continued improvements in asbestos training. In order to understand whether you meet the criteria for Membership as set by UKATA, it is imperative to read and understand the UKATA Rules of Membership and the series of Syllabi relevant to the category of membership being applied for.

Rules of Membership

New Application Guidance for Membership

Training Course Portfolio

Professional Members shall be:

  • Entitled to deliver UKATA asbestos training, dependent upon the category of membership approved.
  • Entitled to display the UKATA Professional Membership logo on Company media applications, letterhead and marketing literature.
  • Listed with their full contact details and company logo on the UKATA website within a bespoke Professional Membership area.
  • Listed within the designated Professional Members area of the UKATA Matters publication.
  • Allowed access to the Professional Members’ area of the UKATA website enabling entitlement to news updates, guidance documents etc.
  • Offered help and advice from the dedicated UKATA Team.
  • Automatically eligible to register (at no cost) as a CITB Approved Training Organisation (ATO) which includes listing on the Construction Training Register, the Construction Training Directory and Automated Grant Payments to levy registered employers.

Professional Members shall be:

  • Required to abide by the UKATA Articles of Association and Rules of Membership at all times.
  • Required to attain membership at the highest level of asbestos training delivered.
  • Required to renew membership of UKATA on an annual basis.
  • Companies who employ at least one competent UKATA audited training provider, to deliver asbestos training in accordance with UKATA Rules of Membership.
  • Required to use the bespoke UKATA certificate generator to produce training certificates.
  • Expected to actively promote the aims and objectives of UKATA and be encouraged to play a dynamic role in the continual development of the Association.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to delivering asbestos training in accordance with the UKATA Rules of Membership.
  • Complete the Professional Membership Application Form appropriate to the category of membership required and return to UKATA together with the (non-refundable) administration fee.
  • The application will be checked by an appointed dedicated File Handler to ensure UKATA criteria are met.
  • The dedicated File Handler will be a point of contact throughout the application process.
  • The verification process begins.
  • Once the verification process is complete the applicant may proceed to audit.
  • The approved Training Provider will be audited by an independent UKATA Auditor.
  • The UKATA Auditor provides a written report for consideration by the membership panel.
  • The outcome is reported back to the applicant.
  • A successful applicant will be required to pay a membership fee to complete the process.
  • To ensure continued Membership of UKATA members shall be required to pay their annual membership fee by the due date.

NB: Detailed information on the application process is available in the Rules of Membership

Please refer to the latest fee schedule.

UKATA Training Provider - Apply Now