
Weekly Digest: Coronavirus Workplace Guidance and Advice - 28 May

This bulletin has been provided to us by the HSE

Welcome to the HSE Weekly Digest eBulletin

This week's digest contains links to advice about using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at work during the coronavirus outbreak, details on the test and trace service, as well as information on the supply and manufacture of hand sanitiser for the workplace.

For the latest coronavirus updates visit our website.

This digest also has details of how to sign up for news and alerts on future building safety regulations.

NHS test and trace: workplace guidance

The NHS test and trace service is designed to support economic recovery and help businesses work safely.

The Test and Trace service will help to manage the risk of the virus re-emerging as restrictions on everyday life are eased.

It is vital that employers play their part to make their workplace COVID-secure and encourage workers to follow any notifications to self-isolate.

Employers have a legal obligation to protect the health and safety of their workers and should follow the safer workplace guidance on GOV.UK.

Using PPE and face masks at work

During the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, HSE has worked with others to develop guidance about PPE (personal protective equipment).

We have a page that signposts specific advice for workers and employers on taking steps to protect people during the coronavirus outbreak. This includes:

Hand sanitisers and surface disinfectants

HSE has guidance for employers who are providing hand sanitiser in their workplaces, and for existing and new manufacturers of hand sanitisers and surface disinfectants.

Our guidance has information on how HSE regulates these biocidal products and includes:

Help to improve our coronavirus guidance

It’s really important that we hear from our website users, so we can make sure we are providing the information and services you need.

We are currently working on improving our information and guidance on working safely during the coronavirus outbreak.

You can help us do this by telling us what is important to you at this time, using this short survey

Thank you for your help.

Get the latest news on future building safety regulations

The government has asked HSE to establish a new building safety regulator in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster and following recommendations in the ‘Building a Safer Future’ report by Dame Judith Hackitt.

The new regulator will oversee the safe design, construction and occupation of high-risk buildings so that residents are safe and feel safe. It will be independent and give expert advice to:

  • local regulators, landlords and building owners
  • the construction and building design industry
  • residents

Subscribe to our building safety email bulletin to receive updates.

Published on Thursday 28th May 2020

Posted in News