Video Conference

UKNAR Webinar - Understanding the Department for Education Guide: Managing Asbestos in Schools & Colleges


Due to popular demand, and in light of the programme of inspections that the HSE will be carrying out in primary and secondary schools from September 22 onwards, UKNAR (UK National Asbestos Register) are offering dutyholders, site managers and estates teams in schools and colleges another opportunity to join their short live presentation (30 minutes followed by a 15 minute Q&A).

The DfE’s guidance on the management of asbestos in schools and colleges outlines the dutyholder’s legal obligations and maps out the 5 steps that need to be taken to ensure asbestos is managed effectively. This includes the requirement to have an up-to-date asbestos management plan in place and emergency procedures to deal with accidental exposure.

Understanding DfE Guide - Managing Asbestos in Schools and Colleges.png

Dutyholders can face prosecution by failing to comply with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Our research with schools shows that whilst some are able to demonstrate compliance, for many others it can be a muddy area. Locating the asbestos register in the school office is often just the start of the issue.

Government guidance recommends 5 Steps that need to be taken to meet the core requirements for the day-to-day management of asbestos in schools and colleges.

  1. A management survey undertaken by appropriate professionals indicating the location and type of identified occurrences of asbestos should be recorded in an asbestos location register.
  2. An assessment of the risks posed by each identified occurrence of asbestos.
  3. A plan for actively managing and reviewing the risk from asbestos in your school or college – the asbestos management plan (AMP).
  4. Arrangements to ensure that all staff (teaching and non-teaching) are aware of asbestos documents and management plans and have appropriate training.
  5. Regular review of the AMP and asbestos location register including associated remedial actions.

Attend their webinar to hear Andy Brown, Co-Founder UKNAR CIC, speak in more detail about the guidance. Learn what’s actually required to make sure you are compliant with CAR 2012 and how you can better protect your staff, pupils and visiting contractors by reducing the risk of accidental asbestos disturbances and exposures.


If you require Duty to Manage Asbestos training, please see a list of UKATA approved training providers and courses near you.

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Published on Wednesday 2nd November 2022

Date: Tuesday 8th November 2022

Time: 10:00am until 10:45am

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Posted in News Events