
UKNAR Webinar - How a National Asbestos Register Will Benefit Us All

Asbestos remains in 1 in 5 workplaces – 75% of schools, hospitals and other public buildings. It’s the UK’s biggest workplace killer, claiming 50,000 deaths per decade. We have the world’s highest rate of mesothelioma – the most lethal and preventable of cancers: caused by thousands of accidental asbestos exposures (many unreported), often resulting from widespread ignorance and asbestos management failures.

We are also lagging behind other European countries in terms of making critical and potentially life-saving asbestos information freely available to all, whenever and wherever it’s needed.

On Wednesday 13th September 2023 a Private Members 10 Minutes Bill was approved in the House of Commons - Short Title: "Asbestos (National Register) Bill".

This is a really important step forward. But there’s still a long way to go and lot of hard work to do!

Unless we take action many more people will die from being completely unwittingly exposed to asbestos in their daily lives, in the thousands of schools, hospitals and other public buildings, where we know asbestos has been poorly managed - and where we now have evidence that it's often in poor condition, in deteriorating ageing buildings.

With enough collaboration and today's technology we can change this!

Join UKNAR's upcoming webinar titled ""How a National Asbestos Register Will Benefit Us All" and hear from Andrew Paten, Co- Founder of UKNAR CIC talk about:

  • The UK’s key asbestos management challenges.
  • Why sharing information is critical.
  • The way forward. - Why we need a national asbestos database.
  • How a national database of digital Asbestos SMART registers can work.
  • The benefits for all.
  • The need for urgent action now.

Register for Free

Published on Tuesday 26th September 2023

Date: Wednesday 4th October 2023

Time: 10:00 until 10:45am

Tags: Webinar UKNAR
Posted in Events