Video Conference

UKNAR Webinar - Asbestos SMART – Making the Management of Asbestos Simpler & Safer for Everyone


Join UKNAR's webinar on Tuesday 31 January, 10:00am - 10:45am, to see a demonstration of their NEWLY LAUNCHED Asbestos SMART management system in action.

Asbestos SMART now has greatly improved functionality and a host of new features including updatable digital asbestos registers, contractor usage tracking and the ability to link to existing systems. It also allows you to store key documentation and easily share it with staff, tenants and contractors.

They are excited to show you how our simple on-site solution can help you communicate vital information and manage your asbestos risks and contractors more effectively.

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Asbestos SMART combines QR technology with a new purpose-built asbestos management platform to provide a simple, but powerful, front-end solution that can instantly communicate potentially life-saving asbestos information to contractors and others that need it at site. Backend functionality provides valuable asbestos management information, giving dutyholders clearer line of sight and confidence that they are managing their known asbestos risks effectively.

Attend their webinar to hear Andrew Paten explain how UKNAR’s newly built National Asbestos Database and Asbestos SMART QR approach can provide a simple and cost-effective means to help you effectively manage asbestos in situ.

Watch their demo to see Asbestos SMART in action. Find out how UKNAR's QR technology can enhance your existing asbestos management procedures and help prevent avoidable accidental asbestos exposures, irrespective of which asbestos consultants you currently use to conduct your asbestos surveys and re-inspections.


Published on Friday 27th January 2023

Date: Between Tuesday 31st January 2023 and Tuesday 31st January 2023

Time: 10:00am until 10:45am

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Tags: Webinar UKNAR
Posted in Events