Video Conference

UKATA Webinars in Collaboration with SMAS Worksafe

UKATA Director, Professor Roger Willey will be delivering a webinar titled 'Asbestos in Soils', hosted by SMAS Worksafe.

Asbestos in Soils - Professor Roger Willey
Friday 4 December - 2:30pm - 3:30pm

RW Portrait - Smaller.png

Professor Roger Willey is an eminent academic and successful businessman who is highly respected throughout the Health & Safety and asbestos industry. Even though his training, research and consultancy work is in great demand both nationally and internationally, he still gives of his time freely to speak at high profile events on behalf of UKATA.

Roger has been involved as a UKATA Director for many years and his clear-thinking approach to Board discussion is highly respected by all.

Roger's webinar will explain how the acute shortage of “green field” sites in the UK has lead to more and more new buildings being constructed on “brown field” sites. Quite often these sites are left in a contaminated state when the previous owners have left. Should the contamination contain asbestos this can lead to unsafe working procedures, overrun of schedules and very significant increases in costs.

Roger's webinar aims to give you an overview of how current safe systems of work were developed and what training is required to keep staff, colleagues and businesses safe.


Published on Friday 4th December 2020