

Posts tagged with 'asbestos'

UKATA Urges Construction Industry Employers to Ensure Apprentices are Asbestos Aware During National Apprenticeship Week

This National Apprenticeship Week, a leading UK authority on asbestos training is urging employers to ensure asbestos awareness training is provided to all apprentices, t
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Acorn Analytical Services Ltd - Top Asbestos Expert Urges Firms not to Ignore Hidden Killer

A company director who has spent two decades protecting people from the dangers of asbestos is giving organisations the chance to take advantage of his expert advice for
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Builder Prosecuted for Exposing Employees to Asbestos During unsafe Removal

Kieran Lynch has been prosecuted after his employees were exposed to asbestos while refurbishing domestic premises in Barnsdale Road, Reading.Reading Magistrates’ Court h
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Company Sentenced After Fatal Fall Through Fragile Asbestos Roof

A company has been sentenced after an employee of a Powys construction company was fatally injured in Liverpool when he fell six metres through a roof whilst working on a
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Directors Fined for Unlicensed Asbestos Removal

The managing director and the director of a printing company, have been fined for safety breaches after organising the removal of asbestos insulation board by untrained p
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Vehicle Certification Agency Alert about Asbestos Bag Labels

The following alert has been supplied by the HSE.The HSE has received the following alert about asbestos waste bags.The Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA), which approves
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School and Contractor Fined for Unsafe Removal of Asbestos

A school and its maintenance contractor have been fined after workers disturbed asbestos at the school while installing a new heating system.Peterlee Magistrates’ Court h
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UKNAR Webinar - Contractor Management Using Today's SMART Tech to Help Prevent Asbestos Disturbances & Exposures in Your Properties

UKNAR would like to invite you, or one of your colleagues, to their short live presentation (30 minutes followed by a 10 minute Q&A).Dutyholders, responsible for asbestos
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Construction Company Fined for Unsafe Removal of Asbestos

A construction company has been fined after disturbing asbestos and removing it without adequate precautions at a pub in Trowbridge, Wiltshire.Salisbury Magistrates’ Cour
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Acorn Analytical Services - Campaign to Eradicate Asbestos from Birmingham Schools Launched on World Teachers’ Day

A hard-hitting campaign to protect teachers and children in Birmingham from the deadly substance asbestos was launched in October to mark World Teachers’ Day.In recent ye
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