Letter to editors
Shocking findings in Coventry schools reminds of asbestos danger
Following shocking findings released last week, detailing how over half of Coventry’s schools still contain asbestos, The UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) would like to remind your readers of the potential fatal consequences this material could cause.
50 of the 96 council run schools still contain this hazardous material and whilst the evidence does not pose an immediate risk to student and teacher’s health, improper disposal of it could cause the onset of diseases such as terminal mesothelioma and lung cancer some 30 years down the line.
The figures of this council report remind us that asbestos can be found in any building, including our very own workplaces and homes. Although not harmful if left undisturbed, it can cause issues if damaged or degraded when spores are inhaled after becoming airborne.
The toxic substance was used extensively in building materials from the fifties right up to the early nineties, when the medical risks of the material became more apparent.
I am sure head teachers responsible for the schools affected are aware of the dangers of asbestos, but I would like to ensure that your readers also know about the potential risk in their homes and workplace.
If you have any doubts or concerns, visit our website at www.ukata.org.uk for free information and advice, and a list of UKATA members.
Eddie Strong
Chairman, UKATA (The UK Asbestos Training Association)
Notes to Editors:
Original story:
Published on Tuesday 4th March 2014