
Prime Safety Services Backs 75 Year Old’s Challenge to Raise Funds for Mesothelioma UK

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UKATA member Prime Safety Services Ltd, who are approved to deliver Licensable training, are sponsoring Albert Walton’s 75th Year Challenge.

Albert Walton, a founding member of a local construction focus group in Maidstone, where Prime Safety Services are based, will be undertaking a challenge every month for 7.5 months to raise asbestos awareness and funds for Mesothelioma UK.


Mesothelioma UK is the national charity for anyone affected by mesothelioma. They exist to support people with mesothelioma to live better and live longer and to prevent mesothelioma happening to future generations.

In the UK, over 2,700 per year are diagnosed with mesothelioma and exposure to asbestos is responsible for up to 9 out of 10 of these cases.

Explaining the challenge, Albert said:

“In May this year I will be 75 and at the moment, I am still in reasonable shape. So, I am going to celebrate my birthday and good health by doing a physical challenge for each decade. That’s 7 1/2 challenges. The half challenge being a half marathon!”

The full list of challenges Albert has set himself are:

  • Southwark Cathedral to Canterbury Cathedral pilgrims walk in four days – March
  • Ashford half marathon – April
  • Yorkshire Dales Three Peaks, 24 miles walking over three of Yorkshire's highest peaks in under 12 hours - May
  • Trans Pennine trail by tandem, 212 miles in four days. Accompanied by his wife, sister and friends – June
  • 75km cycle time trial – August
  • Triathlon – September
  • 1-mile open water swim – September
  • 52 miles kayak around the Isle of Sheppy with his wife – October

The challenge comes following the passing of a good friend of Albert’s recently.

If you would like to donate and support, please click the link below.


Published on Wednesday 15th March 2023