
Making your workplace COVID-secure and the latest health and safety news

This week's digest contains advice for businesses to help them ensure they are COVID-secure, as well as the latest information about using air conditioning and general ventilation in the workplace.

There are also links to annual workplace fatality figures, and details about the latest job vacancies at HSE.

For all the latest updates visit our website.

HSE urges businesses to become COVID-secure

Businesses in Great Britain must make sure they’re COVID-secure, as more sectors continue to open their doors.

HSE's guide to working safely during the coronavirus outbreak will help you to manage the risk associated with restarting or running your business during the outbreak.

You should start by updating your risk assessment to manage the risk of coronavirus in your business. This is called a COVID-19 risk assessment and you can find out what to include.

HSE inspectors are carrying out spot inspections in a variety of ways to check that businesses are COVID-secure. Find out more about these spot checks in this press release.

Air conditioning and general ventilation during the outbreak

Good ventilation can help reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus in the workplace.

It is important to focus on on improving general ventilation, preferably through fresh air or mechanical systems.

Where possible, consider ways to maintain and increase the supply of fresh air, for example by opening windows and doors (unless fire doors).

The risk of air conditioning spreading coronavirus (COVID-19) in the workplace is extremely low as long as there is an adequate supply of fresh air and ventilation.

Find out more about using air conditioning and general ventilation during the coronavirus outbreak.

More coronavirus-related updates and advice

HSE has published a range of guidance and advice, which you may find useful.

It includes information on:

For all the latest information and advice visit our coronavirus microsite.

Workplace fatality figures for 2019/20 released

HSE has released its annual workplace fatality figures for 2019/20.

The latest figures show that between April 2019 and March 2020, 111 people were killed in Great Britain while doing their job, the lowest year on record.

The new figures show the spread of fatal injuries across industrial sectors, with 40 fatal injuries to construction workers accounting for the largest share.

Find out more, including comments from HSE’s Chief Executive, Sarah Albon, in this press release.

Latest vacancies at HSE

Develop a career at HSE and help to protect lives and livelihoods. We've currently got a number of exciting job opportunities available...

For details of selected posts, follow the links below:

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Published on Friday 10th July 2020

Tags: Covid-19 HSE