It is with sadness we mark the loss of the remarkable Helen Bone, wife, mother, nurse and mesothelioma advocate.
Helen qualified as a nurse in 2004 before becoming an Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP). Her career has involved both intensive care and respiratory work. When Covid hit she was on the front line working with critically ill patients. It was after she fell ill with Covid herself that she noticed a cough and chest pain she couldn’t quite shake, it was this that eventually led her to becoming diagnosed with mesothelioma in 2021.

Helen has dedicated many years raising asbestos awareness, highlighting in particular that the disease does effect women under 60 despite common misconceptions.
Helen spoke at the UKATA Asbestos Conference in July 2023, with her presentation “It is what it is”. Her session resonated with the audience, who admired her resilience and positive outlook despite her struggles. In Helens recent blog she announced it would be her last post, as all treatment options had been exhausted.
Helen was admitted to hospital early November with reduced oral intake and shortness of breath and hadn’t got any better, her cancer had taken over her abdomen and a decision was made for Helen to cease treatment and go home with palliative support.
Our thoughts are with Helen’s husband Mark, their three girls, and family and friends during this difficult time.
Helen’s legacy remains and you can continue to honour her memory by reading and sharing her past blogs It is what it is……
Published on Monday 25th November 2024