
HSE Weekly Digest: Make your workplace COVID-secure

This bulletin has been provided to us by the HSE

This week's digest contains links to our recently published guide to making your workplace COVID-secure.

There are also details about a newly issued HSE safety alert about KN95 face masks, as well as information about some recent enforcement activity that HSE has undertaken.

For all the latest updates visit our website.

Make your workplace COVID-secure

Our guide will help you to make changes to your work to protect people, assess risk and be ‘COVID-secure’...

Our guide will help you to manage the risk associated with restarting or running your business during the outbreak across a number of topics, including the latest advice on:

HSE safety alert: Use of face masks designated KN95

HSE has issued a safety alert about the poor quality of face masks claiming to be KN95.

A substantial number of face masks, claiming to be of a KN95 standard, provide an inadequate level of protection and are likely to be poor quality products accompanied by fake or fraudulent paperwork. These face masks may also be known as filtering facepiece respirators.

View the safety alert for full details.

Coronavirus-related updates and advice from HSE

HSE has published a range of guidance, which you may find useful.

It includes information on:

For all the latest information and advice visit our coronavirus microsite.

'Leading health and safety at work' leaflet available

It is now more important than ever that businesses take a proactive and planned approach to risk management so their businesses can continue to operate safely during the coronavirus outbreak.

The Institute of Directors (IoD) and HSE’s leaflet Leading health and safety at work (INDG417) sets out the principles to help leaders across all industries use a ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’ approach to keep their workplaces safe.

Available as a free download, or alternatively to purchase as a hard copy, the leaflet applies to organisations of all sizes.

It is for use by all directors, governors, trustees, officers and their equivalents in the private, public and third sector.

Recent enforcement activity

A relocation and refurbishment company has been fined £1.1m after a worker was seriously injured when he fell from height.

Get further details on this incident by viewing our press release, while we also have advice and guidance on using ladders safely.

Other recent prosecutions include:

Published on Friday 12th June 2020

Tags: Covid-19 HSE
Posted in News