In a continuous effort to raise awareness of the risks associated to working with asbestos, conforming to legislation and safe working practices, UKATA accepted an invitation from HSE to join their forthcoming event taking place in The Vox Conference Centre, Birmingham 20th February.
UK Asbestos Training Association - UKATA set the standards in asbestos training & ensures that its members meet those standards. UKATA Members train in excess of 200,000 tradespeople each year. The Association actively promote asbestos awareness, to include the dangers of working with the substance. Since being established in 2008, UKATA has gone from strength to strength, now numbering more than 190 member organisations from all corners of the UK. UKATA offer Membership opportunities for Training providers and those working in the asbestos industry. UKATA most recently showed their support to The Health & Safety Executive’s #DustBuster Campaign.
HSE CONNECT is a free to attend event organised by the Health and Safety Executive. It brings together industry, the regulator, trades union and intermediaries to show good health and safety practice through lectures, seminars, exhibitions, panel discussions, surgeries and workshops.
The conference offers engaging, interactive and thought provoking sessions led by inspirational speakers and experts in their field, including a key note address by Martin Temple, HSE Chair and David Snowball, Acting Chief Executive and is organised around four key themes:
- Health and safety made simple – impartial health and safety advice and guidance, helpful for all but with a focus on supporting SMEs
- Making health manageable – preventing, promoting and supporting the reduction of ill health in the workplace
- The changing face of health and safety – the future world of work
- Insights from incidents – real case studies to highlight how HSE works with industry and trades union to learn from the past, protect the present and research the future
Published on Wednesday 20th February 2019