
First UKATA Member Approved to Deliver Control of Silica and Other Workplace Dust Course

POD Training and Consultancy

POD Training & Consultancy Ltd has become the first UKATA member approved to deliver the ‘Control of Silica and Other Workplace Dust’ course.

This first course offered by UKATA outside of the asbestos remit, is required to be given to employees whose work could foreseeably expose them to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) and other workplace dusts.

The purpose of the course is to provide delegates with the theoretical and practical skills to develop their knowledge regarding the hazards and risks posed by silica containing materials, and a further overview of the legislative measures in place to permit employees to safeguard themselves and others affected by work activities.

Silica is a natural substance found in most rocks, sand, and clay, and is a major constituent in products such as bricks and concrete. In the workplace, these materials create dust when they are cut, sanded, carved etc. This dust is known as respirable crystalline silica (RCS). Some of this dust may be fine enough to breathe deeply into the lung and cause harm to health.

Exposure to RCS can cause lung cancer and other serious respiratory diseases, and is estimated to be responsible for the deaths of over 500 construction workers in 2005.

In addition to the risks from lung cancer, silica is also linked to other serious lung diseases such as silicosis.

It can also cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a group of lung diseases that result in severe breathlessness, prolonged coughing, and chronic disability. The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) estimate around 4000 people die annually due to COPD, resulting in past workplace exposure.

Construction workers, demolition workers, stone masons, miners, and quarry workers are at a larger risk than others.


POD Training & Consultancy, Director Gareth Jones said:

“POD Training have regularly provided industrial dust training for employees at risk of exposure to all types of respirable dust, to minimise the risk to health and to provide a safe and healthy working environment.

It was a logical progression to gain approval from a recognised body such as UKATA, to ensure the training was widely recognised and accepted as meeting best practice and the high standards that UKATA are renowned for providing.

Our trainers all have vast experience working within industries where dusty environments are commonplace and are aware of the risks associated with regular prolonged occupational exposure to construction dusts, particularly respirable crystalline silica.

We are passionate about spreading this message.”

Speaking on the announcement, UKATA Chief Operating Officer, Craig Evans said:

POD Training & Consultancy have been members of UKATA for over ten years and are highly respected within the industry. Their recent approval to deliver this dust course aligns with our mission to protect workers and the public from the risks associated with exposure to construction dusts.”

To find out more, please contact or contact their head office on 01822 618861.

Published on Thursday 11th May 2023