Conference Crowd (1920 x 922)

The European Asbestos Forum Foundation Conference 2022

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Registration is now open for the 5th (live & hybrid) international European Asbestos Forum Foundation Conference 10-11 November 2022, Van der Valk Hotel Oostzaan, Amsterdam.

The international conference, themed ‘Asbestos & The State of The Art’, features 20 top speakers from four continents and will update delegates on the latest developments in science, asbestos removal and detection innovations, medical treatment, technology, laboratory and microscopy advances, advocacy, litigation, EU and national policy, NEN standards, etc.

EU Parliamentarian Nikolaj Villumsen will give the opening speech on what the new EU Asbestos Directive may (or should) entail, boosting even more asbestos innovations, and Nathalie van de Poel MBA will give the Keynote Speech on the necessity of asbestos denaturation.

Industrial Hygienist, Tony Rich who has developed an extensive collection of asbestos-related photographs, product materials, artefacts, historical books, industry documents, film archives, and other related media, will provide a stunning asbestos photography exhibition.

The EAF conference excels in providing the opportunity to meet relevant specialists from around the globe, learn and share state of the art science and innovations of every conceivable field relating to asbestos and to build lasting, helpful networks. Speakers and presentations may be subject to change.

To see the programme or to register, go to

Published on Tuesday 14th June 2022

Date: Between Thursday 10th November 2022 and Friday 11th November 2022

Time: 8:30am until 9:00pm

Location: Van der Valk Hotel Oostzaan, Amsterdam

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