The DWP has announced a significant package that builds on and bolsters the existing support offered by our jobcentres.
- Doubling the number of frontline Work Coaches to 27,000 by March 2021 to support people looking for work including helping them pivot into new sectors and making sure they access any additional support they need including training and work experience.
- A £2 billion Kickstart Scheme will provide high quality, 6 month placements from Autumn this year. Funding available for each six-month job placement will cover 100% of the National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week – and employers will be able to top this wage up. The scheme will be focused on supporting young people who are on Universal Credit and at risk of long term unemployment.
- An Expanded Youth Offer to support 18 to 24 year olds, this will include a 13 week programme and once completed participants will be encouraged to take up work related training or an apprenticeship and further support will be provided through Youth Employment Coaches and Youth Hubs based in the community.
- Expanding the Work and Health programme to provide personalised, light touch support for up to 6 months for those who have been unemployed for three months.
- We’re increasing participation in our sector-based work academies programmes, aiming to support 40,000 placements jobseekers to get the right skills for the roles that are on offer.
- £150 million to boost the flexible support fund and allow jobcentres to put in place the right support for their community and to increase capacity of the rapid response service that can be deployed for large local redundancies.
- Job finding support service – The government will provide £40 million to fund external capacity to introduce a job finding support service in Great Britain.
- We are developing a new large-scale support offer, targeted at those who are out of work for longer periods and in need of support.
You can find a link to a summary of this announcement for information below@
Mental Health
You will undoubtedly have staff welfare firmly under control (just as DWP has) but the links below to the online resources created by mental health charity Mind might be something that may be of use to you and yours.
Published on Monday 13th July 2020