Press Release 2

Press Releases

Press Releases

UKATA Members Aid the NHS with the COVID-19 Fight

In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, UKATA members have sprung to aid and assist the NHS in the COVID-19 fight.Read their uplifting stories of support below:MBO Safety S
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UKATA Supports Global Asbestos Awareness Week 2020

Global Asbestos Awareness Week takes place between 1 – 7 April annually. The aim of the upcoming week is to raise awareness around the dangers of asbestos and to also bri
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UKATA announces temporary video conference asbestos training during Coronavirus crisis

As the country heads into lockdown, the UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) is urging workers in construction-related industries and trades to make use of the time t
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UKATA Urges Construction Industry Employers to Ensure Apprentices are Asbestos Aware

In an effort to halt the growing numbers of tradespeople contracting fatal asbestos related diseases, one of the UK’s leading authorities on asbestos training is urging e
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UKATA Donate £5,000 to Mesothelioma UK

UKATA Donate £5,000 to Mesothelioma UKStatistics from the Health & Safety Executive released in October 2019, reveal that in the UK more than 2,500 people die from mesoth
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DAST - Asbestos & Agriculture Information Event

The Derbyshire Asbestos Support Team (DAST) will host an event to launch their “Asbestos & Agriculture Information Leaflet” on Friday 6 December 2019. This event takes pl
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Leading Asbestos Authority Welcomes New Apprentices to the Team

Olivia Anderson (18) and Alicia Higgins (17) have joined Chesterfield-based UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) as apprentices.Olivia, from Chesterfield, is a former
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BLF Big Breakfast 2019

UKATA has raised £45 for people affected by lung disease by hosting an event as part of British Lung Foundation’s “Big Breakfast” campaign.The event was held on 15 Novemb
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Cooking up Cash

The UK Asbestos Training Association “UKATA” is hosting a Big Breakfast for the British Lung Foundation “BLF” this Autumn. The goal of the event is to raise as much money
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Health and safety at work summary statistics for Great Britain 2019

HSE have recently released the latest annual injury and ill-heath statistics, which includes asbestos related deaths.The latest statistics report:2,526 mesothelioma death
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