
HSE Prosecutions

HSE Prosecutions

Two companies fined for serious breaches involving the removal of asbestos

A residential property management company and a specialist installation contractor have been fined after a resident raised concerns about soffit replacement work carried
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Silica Exposure High in a Welsh Quarry - HSE Case Study

The health affects of exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) have been known for a long time.Despite this, workers were recently being exposed to it in a quarry
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Contractors fined for carrying out unsafe asbestos removal work without a licence

Two contractors were sentenced today after removing asbestos pipe lagging without taking the necessary precautions to reduce exposure to asbestos.Teesside Magistrates’ Co
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Asbestos removal company and managers sentenced after forging documents

An asbestos removal company, and two of its managers, have today been prosecuted after forging documents in order to obtain an asbestos licence from the Health and Safety
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Surveyor fined after failing to detect asbestos

A specialist asbestos company has been fined after failing to detect asbestos at a demolition site.Greater Manchester Magistrates’ Court heard how EAS Asbestos Limited we
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Company fined following unlicensed asbestos removal from primary school

A construction company has been fined after it carried out unsafe and unlicensed asbestos removal during the refurbishment works in a junior school in Dursley.Cheltenham
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Manufacturing company and contractor fined after failing to prevent exposure to asbestos

A manufacturing company and contractor have been prosecuted after failing to prevent exposure of workers and others to asbestos whilst cleaning an asbestos cement roof.Ca
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Principal contractor and site manager sentenced following asbestos exposure at a construction site

The principal contractor and site manager of a construction site in Derby city centre have been sentenced after workers were exposed to asbestos during refurbishment work
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Company fined after employees exposed to asbestos fibres

SSE Hornsea Ltd, operators of a natural gas storage facility near Atwick on the East Yorkshire coast, has been sentenced today after 13 employees and contractors were exp
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Manufacturing company and contractor fined after failing to prevent exposure to asbestos

A manufacturing company and contractor have been prosecuted after failing to prevent exposure of workers and others to asbestos whilst cleaning an asbestos cement roof.Th
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