Letter to Editors
Better asbestos compensation still falls short of expectations
This week the government announced that the compensation awarded for people who are suffering from mesothelioma and lung cancer, as the result of asbestos exposure, will rise to an average £123,000. The story has also hit our regional headlines as well, with Derbyshire Asbestos Support Team (DAST), saying that they were pleased with the increase, but felt the new sum still came up short.
As chairman of the UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA), I would like to support DAST’s claims by saying that whilst recognition of the need for more compensation is a good start, the amount offered is still not in-keeping with other similar workplace related injury and health pay-outs.
I would also take this opportunity to mention that whilst improvements have been made to the compensation offered, more needs to be done to ensure that the people who come into contact with the substance will receive the correct training, so they won’t fall foul to the ‘hidden killer’ further down the line.
Asbestos was used in building materials from the fifties right up to the early nineties with many of our current buildings still containing the substance. Damage occurs when breathing in the toxic spores whilst moving or disturbing the material. However, the health repercussions are not often felt ‘til later in life, when they hit with a debilitating and often fatal effect.
If you have any doubts or concerns about asbestos and need a registered local contractor, visit our website at www.ukata.org.uk for free information and advice, and a list of UKATA members.
Eddie Strong
Chairman, UKATA (The UK Asbestos Training Association)
Notes to Editors
Source: http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/Derbyshire-asbestos-campaigners-welcome-payout/story-20788840-detail/story.html
UKATA0098 – LTE: Support for Derbyshire Asbestos Support Team
Published on Friday 21st March 2014