Video Conference

Asbestos SMART - Making the Management of Asbestos Simpler and Safer for Everyone


Join UKNAR's webinar to see their NEW Asbestos SMART system in action. Find out how their simple on-site solution can help you communicate vital information and manage your asbestos risks and contractors more effectively.

Asbestos SMART combines QR technology with a new purpose-built asbestos management platform to provide a simple, but powerful, front-end solution that can instantly communicate potentially life-saving asbestos information to contractors and others that need it at site. Backend functionality provides valuable asbestos management information, giving dutyholders clearer line of sight and confidence that they are managing their known asbestos risks effectively.

Attend their webinar to hear Andrew Paten explain how UKNAR’s newly built National Asbestos Database and Asbestos SMART QR approach can provide a simple and cost-effective means to help you manage asbestos in situ.

Find out how UKNAR's QR technology can enhance your existing asbestos management procedures and help prevent avoidable accidental asbestos exposures, irrespective of which asbestos consultants you currently use to conduct your asbestos surveys and re-inspections.

With asbestos remaining in 1 in 5 workplaces and 1.5 million premises in the UK the challenges of trying to achieve effective management and 100% compliance are high. It’s not surprising that thousands of accidental exposures still occur annually, costing huge amounts of time and money while unnecessarily endangering many thousands of lives. Asbestos dwarfs all other workplace killers in the UK: 5,000 people still die annually from asbestos related cancers and diseases with contractors visiting and working in buildings often presenting the highest risk.

Join our webinar to find out more about Asbestos SMART and see our new system in action. Find out how Asbestos SMART can provide your organisation with a simple and cost-effective solution to help you achieve compliance with Regulation 4: CAR 2012 and protect your staff, contractors, and visitors from preventable accidental asbestos exposures.


If you require asbestos training, please visit the UKATA training provider directory to find courses near you.

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Published on Thursday 24th November 2022

Date: Between Thursday 1st December 2022 and Thursday 1st December 2022

Time: 10am until 10:45am

Location: Online

Tags: Webinar UKNAR
Posted in Events