
Asbestos safety could save your family’s life

Dear Editors,

Southampton wife who died due to second-hand asbestos exposure highlights cancer risk

Following a coroner recording that Southampton woman Mareen Darke died as the result of washing her husband’s asbestos ridden boiler suits throughout his career at the city’s docks, I’d like to remind your readers of the dangers that asbestos can cause not just to come into contact with it first-hand, but also to those who inhale it further down the line.

As General Manager of the UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA), I’m all too aware of other cases where people have contracted the asbestos related cancer mesothelioma as the result of second hand exposure. If you come into contact with asbestos in the work place, it’s imperative that you have the correct training to deal with it, as stories like this highlight that it might not just be your life that you are endangering.

When left undisturbed asbestos can be harmless, however the danger occurs when materials that contain the substance are moved or damaged. Dealing with asbestos without the proper training could be a fatal mistake, so the best way to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your family, friends, colleagues and customers is by consulting a professional.

For more information on the safe removal of asbestos and to see a full list of our certified training providers visit

Craig Evans
General Manager, UKATA

Original Source

Southampton Daily Echo: Asbestos in husband’s laundry led to Mareen Darke developing rare cancer

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Published on Friday 20th March 2015

Posted in News Press Releases