
As asbestos compensation figure improves, will training follow suit?

Letter to Editors

As asbestos compensation figure improves, will training follow suit?

This week the government announced that the compensation awarded for people who are suffering from mesothelioma and lung cancer, as the result of asbestos exposure, will rise to an average £123,000. With the issue very much in the news, I would just like to remind your readers of the dangers of asbestos and how proper training might prevent them from suffering from these fatal diseases in the future.

Asbestos was used in building materials extensively right up to the early nineties before its damaging effects were known. Undisturbed, the substance is harmless; however, when disturbed or moved the harmful spores become airborne and inhaled. Many of the effects of this ‘hidden killer’ do not become apparent till twenty to thirty years down the line, when disease takes hold, drastically reducing both quality and length of life.

The compensation figure from the government moves closer to what is expected by many asbestos victims and their families; yet, I believe that by investing in better training, the problem can stop at this generation. Asbestos is also evident in thousands of homes, for this reason it’s important that your readers do the correct research and consult a professional when undertaking any home improvement projects.

If you have any doubts or concerns, visit our website at for free information and advice, and a list of UKATA members.

Eddie Strong Chairman, UKATA (The UK Asbestos Training Association)

Notes To Editors Source:

UKATA0097 – LTE Will training improve with compensation rise

Published on Wednesday 12th March 2014

Posted in News Press Releases