The inaugural ASBESTONOMY event will take place on 16th & 17th of June 2022 at the ILEC CONFERENCE CENTRE in London.
Organised by Cédille Editions, it will bring together on an international scale, key players in the asbestos industry. An evening of exchange and networking followed by a day of conferences to learn, understand and discover the latest innovations in asbestos risk management.
The 16th of June: 5:15 pm - 9:30 pm
- 6:15 pm Documentary premiere
- 8:00 pm Cocktail
The 17th of June: 7:45 am - 6 pm
- all day: conferences, exhibitors & breathless (film)
A rich program brought to you by international asbestos experts:
- Asbestos state of art:
An update on the new European asbestos directives and the latest international best practices.
- Asbestos detection:
A zoom on the exposure and toxicology of asbestos fibres. A presentation of the different analytical techniques, and finally an open debate on the analytical method(s) used.
- ACM Digital Management:
Once asbestos is detected, how do we use today's digital world to better manage asbestos throughout its life cycle, and thereby limit public and worker exposures?
- ACM Removal and Waste Innovation:
A look at the new and innovative techniques used to remove asbestos and the alternatives to landfills for asbestos waste.
Asbestonomy's main ambition is to share international expertise and create a community to act in the best possible way, and thus limit the risks of exposure to asbestos wherever you are in the world. Sharing is one of Asbetonomy's strong values, which is why they have decided to support two associations: Mavis Nye Foundation and European Asbestos Forum by donating 5% of ticket sales.
For more information on how to book your place see www.asbestonomy.com
Published on Thursday 16th June 2022
Date: Between Thursday 16th June 2022 and Friday 17th June 2022
Time: 7:45am until 7:00pm
Location: ILEC Conference Centre, London
Register here