

BBC story line puts very real asbestos issue in the public eye

Dear Editors,UKATA explains that asbestos is not just an old man’s problemA recent episode of BBC’s Inspector George Gently put the very real, yet forgotten threat of asb
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HSE Product Bulletin - Phantom Vision Powered Respirator

The HSE Asbestos Licensing Unit have circulated the following information which all UKATA members should be aware of.“Scott Safety, the manufacturers of the Phantom Visio
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Inspector George Gently does an episode on Mesothelioma

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous material, which when inhaled, has life threatening consequences.All asbestos use was banned in the UK in 1999, but can still be
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9 Things you must do in an asbestos emergency

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous material which is extremely dangerous to people who are not asbestos trained and has severe consequences if handled incorrectly.
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Latest cancer case shows that asbestos is not just an old man’s problem

Dear Editors,Exeter father of four diagnosed with mesothelioma at just 46-years-oldI was saddened to hear the news that a 46-year old Devon father of four has been diagno
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Asbestos safety could save your family’s life

Dear Editors,Southampton wife who died due to second-hand asbestos exposure highlights cancer riskFollowing a coroner recording that Southampton woman Mareen Darke died a
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Asbestos in schools problem is worse than previously thought

UKATA responds to latest findings on the killer dust from the BBCA story run today by the BBC concerning Devon man Mr Wallace and his exposure to asbestos in schools is c
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Guidance for UKATA Non Licensable Work with Asbestos Including NNLW Refresher Training

24 February 2015Members Memorandum: Guidance for UKATA Non Licensable Work with Asbestos Including NNLW Refresher TrainingDear Member,UKATA has interpreted the requiremen
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New Licensable certificates available via the UKATA Certificate Generator

Good Morning All Category C Members,In direct response to a number of requests from members who offer Licensed training I am pleased to be able to inform you that the Boa
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Update for all UKATA Professional Members

Dear Members,On behalf of all at UKATA I would like to take this opportunity to update you on some of the activities planned for the year ahead.UKATA Press Releases As me
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