L143 - Managing and working with Asbestos
This publication contains the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, the Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) and guidance text for employers about work which disturbs, or is likely to disturb, asbestos, asbestos sampling and laboratory analysis.
The Regulations set out your legal duties and the ACOP and guidance give practical advice on how to comply with those requirements. The Regulations give minimum standards for protecting employees from risks associated with exposure to asbestos.
The Regulations came into force on 6 April 2012, updating and replacing the previous 2006 law. They contain new requirements for certain types of non-licensable work with asbestos on notification of work; designating areas where you are working on asbestos; medical surveillance and record keeping.

HSG227 - A comprehensive guide to Managing Asbestos in premises
This guidance is aimed at people who have a duty to manage the risks from asbestos–containing materials in the premises, ie building owners, tenants and anyone else who has any legal responsibilities for workplaces. The guidance expands on that given in the free leaflet A short guide to managing asbestos in premises, INDG223(rev3) - it will be useful to those in more complex organisations.

HSG247 - Asbestos: The licensed contractors' guide
For businesses holding a licence to work with (either repair or removal of) asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), those supervising such operations and those with an ancillary licence or providing training on asbestos.
Employers conducting work with asbestos insulation, coating and insulating board - using their own employees and premises and are consequently exempt from licence requirements - also need this guidance. May also be useful to contract awarding bodies or others with asbestos-management duties. Supersedes most earlier guidance on licensed removal. Eight specific chapters detail the different aspects of licensed ACM work. Also with an overview of asbestos, how to work safely with it, known health effects and law guidance.

HSG248 - Asbestos: The Analysts' Guide
This document is a revised version of Asbestos: The analysts’ guide for sampling analysis and clearance procedures, first published in 2005. It contains guidance for analysts involved in asbestos work and is the authoritative source of asbestos analytical procedures within Great Britain. The guidance has been updated to take account of legal changes, findings from HSE’s interventions, and developments in analytical procedures and methodology. It provides clarification on technical and personal safety issues, especially in relation to sampling and 4-stage clearances. Information to assess the presence of asbestos in soils and made ground is included for the first time. The guidance is also designed to assist analysts in complying with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. The document should also be particularly useful to several other groups, including asbestos consultants, occupational hygienists, safety professionals, asbestos removal contractors, building owners and people with responsibility for managing asbestos in properties and estates.

HSG264 - Asbestos: The Survey guide
This heavily illustrated publication is aimed at people carrying out asbestos surveys and people with specific responsibilities for managing asbestos in non-domestic premises under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. The book covers competence and quality assurance and surveys, including: survey planning, carrying out surveys, the survey report and the dutyholder's use of the survey information. It includes extensive appendices and references.

L153 - Managing health and safety in construction (CDM 2015)
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) came into force on 6 April 2015, replacing CDM 2007. This publication provides guidance on the legal requirements for CDM 2015 and is available to help anyone with duties under the Regulations. It describes:
- the law that applies to the whole construction process on all construction projects, from concept to completion,
- what each dutyholder must or should do to comply with the law to ensure projects are carried out in a way that secures health and safety.
CDM 2015 is subject to certain transitional provisions which apply to construction projects that start before the Regulations come into force and continue beyond that date.

Asbestos Essentials - Equipment and Method Sheets
Asbestos essentials task sheets tell employers, managers and sole traders what to do when they need to work on or near ACMs. They will help you to decide what category of asbestos work it is and how to plan the work safely.
Higher-risk work with ACMs, including sprayed coatings, loose asbestos, lagging, insulation and jobs involving asbestos insulating board (AIB) – apart from some very limited-duration works to AIB – will require an HSE-licensed contractor.
The task sheets cover work that does not need a licence if carried out as the sheets describe. Each sheet describes what equipment is required for a particular task and covers the action needed to reduce exposure to an adequate level.

Asbestos Essentials - Task Sheets
Asbestos essentials task sheets tell employers, managers and sole traders what to do when they need to work on or near ACMs. They will help you to decide what category of asbestos work it is and how to plan the work safely.
Higher-risk work with ACMs, including sprayed coatings, loose asbestos, lagging, insulation and jobs involving asbestos insulating board (AIB) – apart from some very limited-duration works to AIB –will require an HSE-licensed contractor.
The task sheets cover work that does not need a licence if carried out as the sheets describe. Each sheet describes what equipment is required for a particular task and covers the action needed to reduce exposure to an adequate level.

Take the Asbestos & You quiz
Test your knowledge about protecting yourself and others from exposure to asbestos fibres by taking the HSE Asbestos & You quick quiz. Share your results with others on social media and with those you work with to see how they do.
Asbestos & You: watch the free webinar
Last month HSE held a webinar in partnership with The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) which is now available to watch for free on You Tube when it’s convenient to you. From the 1-hour long webinar you’ll get an understanding of HSE’s Asbestos & You campaign and hear from experts who discuss the risks that continue to be associated with asbestos, particularly with younger workers.