Our Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR Policy
This CSR Policy refers to our responsibility towards our environment.
This policy applies to our company, UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA).
This policy may also refer to suppliers and partners.
Our company’s existence is not alone, it is part of a bigger system of people, values, other organisations, and nature. The social responsibility of a business is to give back to the world just as it has to us.
– Craig Evans, Chief Operating Officer
We want to be a responsible business that meets the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. Our social responsibility can be separated into two categories:
Compliance: Our company’s commitment to legality and willingness to observe community values.
Proactiveness: Every initiative to promote human rights, support local communities and protect our local environment.
Our company will:
- Respect the law
- Honour its internal polices
- Ensure all its business operations are legitimate
- Keep every partnership and collaboration transparent
- Always conduct business with integrity and respect to human rights
- Campaign for safety and fair dealing
- Show respect towards customers
- Promote anti-bribery and anti-corruption
Our company is:
- Protecting the environment. We recognise the need to protect the natural environment. Keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all. We will always follow best practice with regards to waste disposal and recycling and we currently operate a 90% paperless company with ambitions to increase this to 95% by 2023.
- Offsetting carbon emissions. We offset our C02 emissions in partnership with Carbon Footprint Ltd. This process is carried out at the beginning of each financial year and funds donated go towards supporting our local environment. Our 2020/21 donation supported tree planting in the East Midlands. To further support becoming carbon neutral, we are changing how we work. Future board meetings will be held virtually, with the exception of one face-to-face meeting each year, cutting our overall carbon emissions by 20% per annum.
- Protecting people. By ensuring we do not risk the health and safety of employees or the community. Avoid harming or disturbing local people and their communities and by supporting diversity and inclusion. To further support our commitment to protecting our people, we are in the process of developing our occupational health and safety systems in line with ISO:45001 and hope to achieve accreditation by the end of 2021.
- Protecting human rights. We are dedicated to protecting human rights.We are a committed equal opportunity employer and will abide by all fair labour practices. We will ensure that our activities do not directly or indirectly violate human rights in any country where we are involved. We are also a proud Disability Committed employer.
Our company will:
- Donate to national and local charities, events and causes
- Support the local community
- Promote and offer volunteering opportunities
- Protect the environment
- Ensure excellent customer experience
- Maintain accreditation standards
Our company is:
- Preserving a budget for monetary donations. The donations we make aim to alleviate those in need, support sector specific charities, and advance community events or projects. We currently donate two pence from every certificate generated to support a mesothelioma research charity, we sponsor a local football team, are involved in local carbon offsetting activities and work with local schools.
- Encouraging volunteering. We actively promote and encourage employees to volunteer. Employees can volunteer through programmes organised within the company or externally.
- Preserving the Environment. Aside from our legal obligations, we proactively protect the environment by recycling, conserving energy, organising reforestation, and by using environmentally friendly technologies.
- Supporting the community. We have initiated and/or supported community investment and educational programmes, including supporting local work experience placements, local initiatives for a greener environment, and supported local and national charities
- Customer Focused. We are committed to our customer base and to further enhance our customer experience, we achieved ISO:9001 accreditation, which focuses heavily on our quality management systems and customer experiences. Our customers provide frequent feedback in order for the association to further improve our services and to determine how the company further develops.